Online Assessment For Business Visas Business Visa TypeBusiness Owner: If you currently own, or have recently owned business(es) overseas and now wish to purchase or establish a business in Australia.Senior Manager:If you occupy a top level management position within a major overseas company or organisation, and now wish to purchase or establish a business in Australia.Investor: If you are an experienced investor with considerable assets and intend to invest in Australia.Australian Business If you currently own and manage a business in Australia and intend to become an Australian permanent resident.Please select one of the following statements that best describes your intended business activities in Australia.Please enter your email address for identification. *Please enter your email address for identification.Please enter your name *Please enter your date of birthPlease rate your overall English abilityNative English SpeakerGoodAveragePoorSelectPlease tell us about your marital statusNever MarriedMarriedEngagedSeparatedDivorcedAre you committed to establish and maintain a business or investment activity in Australia?YesNoIn the last twelve months, which of the following statements applies to your Australian Business.Employ 3 or more Australian citizens or permanent residents (excluding family members) and have a turnover of AU$200,000 or more.Employ 3 or more non-family Australian citizens or permanent residents (excluding family members) and make exports of AU$100,000 or more.None of the aboveWhat is the combined net total of your business and personal assets?AU$2250,000 or greaterAt least AU$1125,000At least AU$500,000At least AU$250,000Less than AU$250,000What is the total net value for your assets in Australia, or available for transfer to Australia with in 2 years?Over AU$2.5 MillionBetween AU$1.5 and 2.5 millionBetween AU$0.5 and 1.5 millionLess than AU$0.5 MillionIn any 2 of the last 4 fiscal years, what was the approximate turnover of your business(es)?AU$500,000 or GreaterAt least AU$300,000Less than AU$300,000What was the approximate turnover of the company or organization you were employed by?AU$50 Million or GreaterAt least AU$10 MillionLess than AU$10 MillionFor how many years have you been involved in directly managing your business(es) or investments?3 year or above2-3 YearLess than 3 yearIn any 2 of the last 4 fiscal years, what was the approximate net value of your business assets?AU$200,000 or greaterLess than AU$200,000Please specify the most senior position you have held in a company for at least two of the last four years.ChairmanChief Executive officerManaging DirectorGeneral ManagerDirectorChief Financial OfficerSenior ManagerIn any 1 of the last 5 fiscal years, please indicate your ownership interest in your business.100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%Less than 10%Have you been actively involved in the day-to-day management of your business(es)?YesNoHow many levels of management are there above you (ie. more senior to you) in your current role?01234In any 1 of the last 5 fiscal years, please indicate the approximate net value of your business assets.AU$1.5 Million or greatorAt least AU$750,000Less than AU$750,000Please describe your share or ownership of your business.Sole Proprietor of the businessActive partner in the partnershipShareholder in public listed company(at least 10%)Shareholder in public listed company(less than 10%)None of aboveSend Message